When the county lost The Western Star, along with many of the other free small town community papers, the citizens lost a dependable way of communicating what was going on both in and around town. No longer was there a place to announce: students of the month, school plays, local athletic news for both school and community, engagements, obituaries, community events, church news, non-profit and business press releases — and so much more.
It is because of this loss, I started the WarrenCountyPost.com at the start of 2022. Communities need a go-to-source for local happenings that impact them — the people living in that community.
True each city, township, school district, park district, store, doctors office, restaurant, church, area sport teams and everything else may have a Website or a Facebook Page. But cyberspace is rather large, if not boundless. Often, the search engine can take you to the wrong site. If you do not know exactly where you’re going, you might end up at Lebanon High School in Tennessee’s Website, or Armco Park in Pennsylvania’s Website or Warren County in New Jersey’s Auditor’s page.
And, while Facebook is fun for many, believe it or not ... not everybody is on social media. Also, towns often have three or more FB pages ... ran by different people or organizations. To know what’s going on, a person has to have the time and ability to follow all of them, as well as, search them all out. And, some of the sites the person or group that started it have made it private making it where you need to ask to join. What does one do if the admin of the FB Page denies you permission to see the page?
The goal of the WarrenCountyPost.com is to become the main go-to source for community news, features, sports and other happenings in our great county. While Patch Labs, a pioneer in the arm of hyperlocal news, serves the WarrenCountyPost in a support role, all news decisions are made locally.
On our home page, we try to bring uplifting and positive stories that are happening in our community. And because this is a community paper, we have several places on the site for you, the reader, to get involved.
The Community Page has been created where you can post your news tips, questions, and other announcements. Want to promote your event? We have an Event Calendar where you can go in and post it!
With your support, we can build an information source about our community — Warren County, Ohio, that is engaging and informative.
While the major news is busy bringing readers world, state, and big city news… let’s give ourselves some positive local news. To receive the FREE daily morning e-mail newsletter register here.

Beth Callahan, Editor