Kara Adkins Student-Athlete of the Week


CARLISLE, OH -- Kara Adkins was named Carlisle's Student-Athlete of the Week by Valley Real Estate Services.

Adkins, who started playing soccer in the 3rd grade, was chosen this week's athlete because of her positive skills in both sports and academics. 

"Soccer is a big part of my family's life, and I love that I get to share my love for the sport with them," Adkins said.

Adkins said one of her favorite sports memories is when her select soccer team won their league in the pouring rain... in over time.

CEO and Owner Craig Harris of Valley Real Estate presents Kara Adkins her certificate during Carlisle's Homecoming Game on Friday September 9, 2022

While she considers Julie Faudy her role model, Adkins said she also needed to add her mom Billie Adkins as a her role model.

Where does she see her self in 5 years?

"About to graduate from college and start my life as an adult," she said.

Congratulations Kara!

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