No Date Yet On When Franklin Trenton Road Will Re-open


Photo courtesy of Warren County Engineers Office of th Franklin-Trenton Bridge that began to collapse causing the road to be closed.

CARLISLE, OH -- Getting over the Great Miami River to the western side of Warren County's Franklin Township, which includes the city of Carlisle, has not been easy. 

Pre-planned construction for two of the areas  major  thoroughfares: Dayton-Oxford and Lower Carlisle, became  an even larger traffic problems when the bridge on Franklin-Trenton began to collapse, closing the road.

Residents wanting to get home from Interstate 75 were only able to use one of the three bridges that crosses the Great Miami River ... the State Rt 123 bridge. For approximately 2 miles, cars were lined up, single file, waiting to get over the bridge and through Carlisle to Beachler Rd., where roads begin to fork off allowing drivers to head the direction they needed to go. 

"It's been a real inconvenience," explained Mark Boy, a life long resident in the area.  

While Carlisle has opened Lower Carlisle to traffic, Dayton-Oxford near the old Dayton Power Plant is still closed, and the Franklin-Trenton Rd Bridge does not have an estimate, yet, on when it will be fixed. 

"We are working on it," said Warren County Bridge Engineer Dominic M. Brigano, P.E., S.I. 

Brigano explained that while the city of Franklin owns Franklin-Trenton Rd., the county is responsible for the bridge, as it does not sit in the city's jurisdiction. The engineer's office will begin soliciting for bids at the end of the month and hopefully be bidding the project out, once bids are in, which will be  sometime at the end of April or early May.  

Brigano explained that he really couldn't  give a date on when the road will be re-opened, since they are just now in the process of getting ready to seek bids. 

"We are very aware of the situation and are working to get it fixed," he added.

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