Farrah Rudd: Shining My Light


I have come face-to-face with mental health issues nearly my entire adult life. Little did I know when God led me to obtain my bachelors degree in psychology I would use it in almost every area.

This little light of mine is not just a song.

And part of me igniting my own light is not only reaching out on this platform but also my live on Thursdays at 11 AM on my Facebook page Farrah Rudd, Realtor. I’m not only there to talk & answer questions about real estate.  I also do my best at being positive and showing up to be a bright spot in others days. How many people do you think would genuinely want to hear what I have to say if I were negative or filled with doubt or hatred?  That goes the same for all of us. If given the chance, shine!  And you do have a chance. Someone’s watching you!

This chapter is your story also, my friend.

The reason why I chose to write this to you this week is because this is my introduction to who I am.  Through the coming weeks, I hope to inspire you, teach you and help you grow to the best person God created you to be moment by moment and word by word.

If we are truly going to be in this together rise up, let your light shine and make this moment your power with me.

In case you’re asking why you do that, here is a small sample of what I’ve created over the last couple days to help push someone to the next place in life.

  1. Make sure you’re keeping promises to yourselves. For instance: I bet some of you watch me and think I was born with this kind of self-confidence or optimistic attitude. That’s a negative. It takes work. Yesterday the entire day from 10 AM until 9 PM I was in a zoom confidence building workshop. Including people like @JamieKernLima , @Edmylett , @Jayshetty , @RobinRoberts, @chrissymetz and so many more! (More on that below) Why you say? Because I need inspiration and reminded why I’m on this planet also. You were born for a reason. The universe -or God - as I choose to call my higher power, created me for a purpose and I made a promise to myself I would fulfill that.
  2. Take what God gave you, friend, and offer that to someone. YOU AND I were made for more. Our mess is our message, not our disqualification. Over the course of the next year you will see me write & talk about a lot but I really want to make this a journey for all of us, I want to learn something about myself and hope that you two will learn something about you.

During the event I sat through all day the one thing that was consistent was believing in yourself and coming from a place of authenticity. Knowing your intentions and coming from the heart.  Even though I wanted to write about some thing with regard to Covid, this took me away from that and I’m so thankful it did.

It was also brought to my attention that we all need to feel less alone.  I’m asking you this week to speak up, ask questions and as I embark on this new journey: let me know how I can help you. Each and everyone of you because that’s my intent and that’s my focus through what seem like simple words on a screen.

My actions and my life are not perfect nor have they ever been.  I have had many messages that came from messes. Buckle up because I plan to go full throttle and talk to you with transparency about those messages and life lessons.

I know so many of us need encouragement and something to look forward to and someone to help us get there. So why would I ever use this platform for anything else. With that said: I encourage you and I ask you to be bold and email your questions & your thoughts. No one has to know who it’s coming from. I want this to be fully engaging. I want this to be of help to one another and I want you, most importantly, to know that someone cares.

Look out for one another and most importantly: love on yourself. At the end of the day I truly believe we all want the same things: to love and be loved.

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