Chapter 66: The Hospital..."Deceptions in the Air"


Cover by Peter Poast Publications with Photo by Junior Cruz

Similar to what newspapers in the 19th Century did the will publish a chapter a day from the book Deceptions in the Air. This fictional book is a blend of reality and conspiracy with a mix of Biblical Prophecy. My hope is that you enjoy the story, while it puts a desire in your heart to seek Truth.

Chapter 66: The Hospital

Bri pulled into the emergency area the same time Dr. LeClaire was entering the hospital grounds. Parking the car in the emergency drop off area, Bri jumped out quickly to assist Jack out of the car.

Once inside, the medics saw he needed assistance immediately and took him back into a room where he and Bri waited for Michelle.

“Thank God you’re here,” Bri said, when Michelle entered their room.

“I’m here to take a look at what you’ve done to yourself, Jack,” the doctor said while putting her protective gear. Slowly and gently, she removed the towel off his hand so that the dry blood did not pull his skin causing more pain.

Bri, who normally could not stand the sight of blood was right next to the doctor looking at Jack’s injured limb.

Looking up at Jack, Michelle smiled and said, “it looks a lot worse than it is. Don’t get me wrong. It’s bad, but I’m pretty sure we will be able to safe all your fingers.”

Both Bri and Jack let out a sigh a relief.

“Can I ask how did you cut it so bad?” Dr. LeClaire asked.

“The garbage disposal. It was in the dark. We were in a hurry. I wasn’t paying attention,” Jack explained. 

“It’s all my fault. I take total blame,” Bri said.

“It’s not totally all your fault Bri… just most of it,” Jack tried smiling. “Now get out of here before somebody recognizes you. And, when you get back to Russ’s, lock the doors until we get back.”

Bri walked over and gave Jack a kiss on the cheek. “I hope you know, I do love you.”

“Back at ya, kid!” Jack smiled.

Michelle looked at the two of them rather oddly.

“It’s a long story,” Jack said, as he lovingly watched Bri walk out the door.

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