K9 Colt Retires From Franklin Police Department


Patrick Holland with his K9, Colt. Photo Contributed.

K9 Colt retired from his service to the Franklin Police Department yesterday.

Colt's handler is Patrick Holland, who said he first met his K9 at a training exercise in the City of Franklin when Colt was 10 months old.  He said he had the choice between two dogs once he became a handler.  "When I walked in the building, he walked right up to me and rubbed up on me and forced me to pet him. I liked his personality and thought that would be a good fit for my personality," Holland said.  

Holland said he and Colt have been partners for seven-and-a-half years.   During that time, he said they have had a lot of success with being able to get weapons off the street, adding that Colt has been a part of recovering 23 firearms.  "That's always going to be something that will stick out to me because that's 23 firearms that aren't able to hurt anyone," Holland said.  

Holland said having a K9 is like having another partner with you.  "It's like having another police officer in an uniform that if something happens, they are going to be able to jump in and help you and make sure you are safe and you're protected," Holland said.    He also said there is a button that he wears on his uniform that he can hit and the door will pop open.  

Now that Colt is retired, he will stay at home with Holland, his wife, and his daughter.  "He will get to be a family dog and we'll enjoy Notre Dame football games together," he said.  Of course, Holland will still have to go to work.  

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