Landsman Appointed as New Dem Action Fund Communications Chair For the 119th Congress.


  Landsman Appointed as New Dem Action Fund Communications Chair For the 119th Congress.

WARREN COUNTY, OH -- Representative Greg Landsman (D-OH-01) was recently appointed the New Dem Action Fund Communications Chair for the 119th Congress. The New Dem Action Fund brings together more than 100 center-left Democrats in the House who are focused on commonsense results.

“I’m excited to serve," said Landsman, adding that  ... “The New Dem Action Fund works to elect candidates with pragmatic approaches to getting big things done for our families on everything from affordable housing and border security to cutting the cost of prescription drugs."

Landsman explained how The New De Action Fund will work in electing leaders. 

"We need to focus in on our center-left messaging so that our candidates are reaching voters where they are. We’ll hone our message and develop and support training for our candidates and staff to amplify what New Dems are all about — center-left and common-sense approaches to getting things done,” he noted. 

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