Local Nurse Creates A Bowl To Help Those With Limited Use Of Their Hands


Photo cof Sarah Hummel courtesy of Warren County Board of DD.

LEBANON, OH-- Lebanon resident, Sarah Hummel has been a Registered Nurse since 2010. Hummel’s work experience in long-term care, rehab, and hospice facilities, has exposed her to the many challenges and struggles her patients face each day.

Hummel observed that mobility issues and physical impediments are common in this type of environment, especially for those with Parkinson’s disease or who have suffered from a stroke.

A simple task such as eating can soon becomes an obstacle for someone with limited use of their hands. What should be a time to refuel and refresh, then becomes a time of embarrassment and loss of dignity.

If you have ever been eating a bowl of soup or cereal, you have experienced that moment when you are no longer able to get a full spoonful at the end of your meal. You make adjustments by either tilting the bowl or picking it up in order for you to get that last bite. For those with limited use of their hands, this is a bit more complicated she explained.

“I’ve seen people lose their dignity and get embarrassed at the dining room table,” Hummel said.

She explained that often this causes the person to choose to eat in their room..."secluding themself and not socializing... or, they simply only eat half, because it’s too difficult to get rest.”

Having observed these complications in the lives of those she serves, Hummel decided to take action.

After five years of planning and research, Hummel created the Kickstand Bowl, a bowl that can be adjusted using just one hand. The patented and trademarked Kickstand Bowl enables its users to easily consume food by adjusting the bowl. The bowl remains stationary by suction cups, so there is no risk of spillage or knocking things over.

This unique adaptive eating device is great for those with disabilities, stroke victims, people with Parkinson’s, amputees, or people who are bed-ridden. This can also be used by toddlers or anyone who needs another free hand.

Written by Community Relations Coordinator Adam Jones of Warren County Board of DD

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