Mathews Introduces Legislation to Include Uniformed Services in Income Tax Exemptions


COLUMBUS – State Representatives Adam Mathews (R-Lebanon) and Adam C. Miller (D-Columbus) recently introduced legislation that will extend the existing municipal income tax exemption for military pay to members of all Uniformed Services.

“These men and women serve our country so that the rest of us can live safe, prosperous lives,” Mathews said. “It is important that we honor Ohio’s Uniformed Servicemen and women, which is what this bill seeks to do.”

Under current law, Ohio’s members of the Armed Services – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, and Coast Guard – qualify for municipal income tax exemptions for military pay.

House Bill 126 changes current law to include the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Public Health Service. Combined with the Armed services, the NOAA and Public Health Service make up the Uniformed Services.

“We are truly indebted to these courageous men and women,” Mathews added. “Our hope is to pass this legislation to recognize their hard work and sacrifice.”

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