Bioblitz 2023 Is Happening Now in Warren County Ohio


WARREN COUNTY, OH --Did you know you can help "create research-quality data for professional ecologists" in Warren County parks while you are out hiking, relaxing or just having fun?

According to Warren County Park District's Shannon Pennington, images that you capture on your camera of plants, animals, birds, fungi and many other subjects found outdoors can be used to help the parks.  

Pennington explained that when people share their observations, they will..." help create research-quality data for professional ecologists. This helps us learn what is living in the area." 

People can share their photos through a FREE app called iNaturalist. 

"Just download the free iNaturalist app, and upload pictures of plants, animals, lichens, fungi, etc. The app helps you ID your finding and will automatically add it to the database for this project." Pennington explained.

Not only can people help Warren County Park District Properties by using the free iNaturalist app, but they can assist Deerfield Township Park Properties, the City of Lebanon Park Properties and Caesar Creek State Park

"Join this fun community science project from Warren County Park District. Adults and children can participate in this activity to identify plants and animals in any Warren County, Ohio location," Pennington said. 

Along with helping to create a data base of what is found in the parks, Pennington added there is one other purpose..."The goal is to get people outdoors and get to know nature!" 

To download the FREE iNaturalist app click here.

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