Slowly But Steadily, More Men Are Choosing Nursing Careers


(Contributed Photo) Jack Patterson, a senior nursing student from Lebanon, Ohio, is shown in the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing's Simulation Center. Photo courtesy of the University of Cincinnati.

 By Cedric Ricks         Email Cedric  or  Call: 260-415-8554

LEBANON, OH -- Jack Patterson, a native of Lebanon, Ohio, hopes to become a neurotrauma nurse. His skillset and perspective will make him a sought after member of the workforce.

The senior at the University of Cincinnati will enter a field that is diversifying to meet the healthcare needs of a growing population. The American Nursing Association (ANA) reports that men in nursing comprised about 12% of the national nursing force as of 2022. Despite a consistent upward trend over the last 20 years in the percentage of male nurses, representation has stalled in recent years.

At UC, the College of Nursing is helping meet the demand for men in nursing. Last year, men accounted for 12.2% of the 2,727 undergraduate and graduate students in the UC College of Nursing. The college was recognized in 2021 by the American Association of Men in Nursing as being among the best for recruiting, retaining and graduating male students.

“I would say I have definitely been given the tools to succeed,” says Patterson. “The goal at the end of the day is going to college to get an education to build a foundation for a career, and UC does that wonderfully. They give you opportunity, and they give you tools.”

This summer Patterson started a co-op experience at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and is pretty excited about his prospects. He will work full time during the summer training as a neurotrauma nurse before complementing those real-world experiences with classes in the fall.

Interim Dean of Nursing Gordon Gillespie says Patterson is filling a need.

“Jack is an impressive human being and an exemplary model of men in nursing,” explains Gillespie. “Nursing as a profession is primarily (populated) by women. So we need more men in the profession who not only represent gender diversity, but who also are committed to being an advocate for overall diversity in the workforce. Jack’s commitment to diversity and inclusion in the college is evident, and I think he will be a great champion for nurses and our patients.”

Learn more about Jack Patterson and the changing face of nursing online.

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