
DAYTON, OH -- Fans of Monty Python, Mr. Bean, and Dr. Seuss… Grab your teacups as O Christmas Tea: A British Comedy will take the stage at the Victoria Theatre (Dayton Live) on December 8that 3pm.
For over a decade British Comedy legends James & Jamesy (aka Aaron Malkin and Alastair Knowles) have been flooding auditoriums with joy and laughter in their multi-award winning tea-themed comedies. Renowned for their impeccable timing, flawless physical comedy and movement skills, and endearing chemistry, the duo deliver a night of unbridled hilarity that will leave your cheeks rosy from laughter and your spirits soaring with festive cheer.
As the holiday season approaches, James and Jamesy are set to tour their flagship production O Christmas Tea: A British Comedy, which has worked its way into the hearts and annual traditions of thousands of theater-goers across North America.
“Theater is in its essence an exercise in imagination, a suspension of disbelief,” says Alastair Knowles, who plays the eccentric Jamesy character. “O Christmas Teafocuses on, and plays with, this distinction.”
To James, on-stage events are make-believe and the audience is of the real world. To Jamesy, on-stage events are real and the audience doesn’t exist. This vast difference in perspectives dissolves as the play progresses, and audiences find themselves compelled to join the performers in the world of imagination and in the delight of ‘play’.
Knowles adds, “We want adults to leave feeling lighter, more playful, and with a deeper connection not only with their immediate companions, but also with the entire audience who shared in the magical experience.”
“At this time of year, we’re inspired to dream big and tap into our child-like imagination,” says Aaron Malkin. “O Christmas Tea is a show that brings family and friends together. For those who’ve already made it part of their holiday tradition, we’re excited to introduce new elements that will make this year’s performance even more unforgettable.”
“Every year the tour gets bigger and the show develops, which keeps the whole experience fresh and thrilling for audiences and ourselves,” adds Malkin. “We will be sharing this show with tens of thousands of people over 60 shows in 37 cities this November and December. We can’t wait!”
For tickets contact or visit the Theatre Box Office