Gov. Mike DeWine Urges Ohioans To Use Caution On Labor Day Weekend


Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine warned people during his COVID update conference that they need to be careful.  He said they saw a "dramatic uptick" in travel and people getting together this year, adding that it resulted in an increase in positive COVID-19 cases. 

What we saw over the Fourth of July was a really dramatic uptick in travel, people getting together, what we would expect people in a normal year to do.  

"Labor Day is coming," DeWine said.  "The White House has been very clear about the dangers we face on this Labor Day weekend."  He said Vice-President Mike Pence asked him to share the message for people need to be careful.

"What we do this weekend will really determine what our fall is going to look like," DeWine said.  He said we have a lot at stake.  Grade school kids and college kids are going back to school.  "We've got a lot of things going for us in Ohio and we don't want to turn back," DeWine said.  

DeWine told Ohioans that we can still have fun and get together with family members.  He said many people will be travelling.  The medical experts tell us that it's really not so much where you go, but what you do and how you do it," DeWine said.  

DeWine said it is pretty safe for people to drive an hour to a state park with family and take a hike outdoors.  On the other hand, he said it would be more dangerous to go next door to the neighbor's house for a barbeque with friends and neighbors when no one socially distances or wears a mask. "That's right next door and it may seem like it's safe.  It's a lot more dangerous than going to that state park," he said.  

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