
Similar to what newspapers in the 19th Century did the will publish a chapter a day from the book Deceptions in the Air. This fictional book is a blend of reality and conspiracy with a mix of Biblical Prophecy. My hope is that you enjoy the story, while it puts a desire in your heart to seek Truth.
Bri scurried to the ladies room. When she opened the door, she thanked God that no one else was in there with her. First, she splashed some water on her face to try to clear her mind as a thousand thoughts went rushing through her head.
What just happened? Was he saying he wants to marry me… or was he just saying something like he wants to keep me in his life as a friend? What is it that he has over me? Ever since I met him, I can’t seem to let him go. Why? Can you really know someone through letters? He’s got to be the same person I fell in love with 30-years ago. But, people change. He might not be the same person. All the letters and phone calls... he seems normal. It’s just when I’m with him things are a little weird. Think about what you just said... when you’re with him — it’s weird. So... if I find things weird, why don’t I walk away? Because I love him… I’ve always loved him. Is a person supposed to go with their heart or with their logic? I don’t know! Love hurts... but logic is so lonely.
Leaning against the wall, lost in her thoughts, Bri was startled by a knock on the door.
“Yes?” Bri said, pulling herself from the wall looking into the mirror to wipe her tears away and wondering why someone was knocking on the restroom door.
“Bri are you okay?”
Bri opened the door. It was Alex.
“Yeah, I think so.”
While she was comforted in knowing that Alex came to check on her, she felt a little odd that he was knocking on the women’s bathroom door.
“I thought maybe you might be hungry and would like to order some food?”
Bri smiled and nodded yes. When they got back to the table, she noticed that Jack was gone.
Then, her phone vibrated. It was a text message from Jack. Go with your heart!
Alex pulled the chair out for Bri to be able sit. Once seated, he leaned down and kissed her on her neck.
“Bri, I am really, really sorry. How can I make this up to you?”
“Alex, you have to admit things have been a little weird since I arrived. I mean on the phone and text messages and emails, you seem like the person I got to know many years ago. But, since I’ve been here, a lot of strange things have been happening.”
“Like what?”
Bri thought for a minute and realized he wasn’t really doing anything abnormal. He was just going to meetings. All business people go to meetings. It was all the articles she had been reading and her talks with Russ today... and in the past on his website that were making her somewhat confused, if not paranoid.
“Alex, can I ask you something?”
“What’s that?”
“You’re not an alien are you?”
“What?” he said very surprised to the question. “You mean like living here without a Green Card?”
“No… I mean… you were conceived by two earthlings, right?” she nervously smirked.
“I’m pretty sure my parents were earthlings,” he answered with a smile, adding, “Why, do you know something I don’t?”
Bri apologized for her crazy question as she explained to him all the articles she had been reading; space aliens to chemtrails, to robot gods, to anything else that sounded off the wall.
“So Bri, now that you’re filled with all this knowledge and wisdom, what kinds of questions are you planning on asking me tomorrow?”
“A good reporter never reveals her questions before the interview?” she smiled, realizing she needed to get upstairs to her room to start working on the show.
“Alex, I need to ask you something before we go. It has more to do with us... than tomorrow’s show, which I need to go up and start on soon.”
“Sure, shoot,” he said.
Bri sat there for a minute awestruck. It was the same feeling she had 30-years ago when he first introduced himself to her on the beach. She did not want to lose that feeling … ever. But, she knew Russ wanted her to ask him about the Blue Beam Project, but not now... Russ wanted her to ask about it on tomorrow’s show... so that they would get his real reaction.
Bri did not want to do that to Alex. She wanted to give him time to think about his answers. And in reality, she didn’t want to know the truth, especially if it was going to take him out of her life again.
Thoughts began to run rampant in her mind again. What’s was wrong with me? How can I even think of being involved with a person who is helping to usher in a One World Religion? Alex isn’t a part of this. He knows better. He’s studied the Scriptures. He loves people. He loves God.
“But, you are also always talking about peace,” she whispered under her breath.
“What? I didn’t hear you,” Alex said a littler perplexed.
Realizing she was not ready to ask Alex any more questions that could damage their relationship, she changed the subject.
“Who’s picking up the tab? I know Jack well enough to know that when he left, he left us his bill too.”
“Wow that’s easy. The look on your face concerned me at first. I got the tab. I invited you,” he smiled.
Alex walked Bri out to the lobby towards the elevator.
“Bri, I know things have been a little odd here. They really weren’t as I had planned them to be at all. I don’t know if you would be able to get away to do this at this late notice, but would you like to fly with me to Wrightsville Beach for the weekend? We can leave tomorrow after the show. I know you probably aren’t packed for the beach. But we could shop for a few things… my treat.”
A weekend alone with Alex Jones. Bri leaned over and gave Alex a little pinch.
“Ouch! What was that about?” Alex nervously laughed.
“I was just checking to see if I was dreaming... or if this was real. Seeing that you felt pain, I guess it’s real,” she laughed.
“Wait, I thought in dreams, it was the dreamer who needs to feel the pain to know if they are awake or not?” Alex reminded her as he leaned towards her to give her a kiss.
“Oops, my mistake,” she mumbled before their lips finally met.
Bri wanted time to freeze. She never wanted this moment to stop. It was the best feeling she had ever experienced in her life.
“Okay,” Alex said, somewhat dazed. “So does that mean ‘yes’ you’ll go?”
“Well I better go,” Alex said, scratching his head being a little dazed and nervous.
“I’m really bad at this Alex. Should I have invited you up? I don’t really date. I....”
Alex stopped her.
“No, Bri, you're not bad at this," he said, leaning into kiss her one more time before she got on the elevator.