Travels with Paul: Cincinnati's Music Hall


Just 32 miles from Lebanon is one of Cincinnati’s most famous gems...The Cincinnati Music Hall.

In this edition of Travel's with  Paul, Paul, a Lebanon resident, takes us on a day trip just a few miles south of Lebanon into Cincinnati where Music Hall, one of the last and best examples of the Victorian Gothic Revival Style, stands.

What was once known as a pauper's cemetery, sits one of our National Historic Landmarks, Cincinnati's Music Hall. Completed in 1878, the building was constructed for dual purposes — for musical purposes in the central auditorium and for exhibitions in its side wings.

Exhibitions were a big part of Cincinnati's history. On May 30, 1838, the first annual Fair of the Ohio Mechanics Institute happened in Cincinnati and was actually the first exposition ever held in the U.S. To read more about this history of exhibitions and how Cincinnati played a role in exhibitions visit the Friends of Music Hall's history page here.

One notable event held in Music Hall in 1880 was the Democratic National Convention. Since that time numerous Presidents and other great artist have taken the stage at Music Hall. To see other events that have happened at Music Hall from 1838 to the present visit Music Hall's Timeline. (More information on Music Hall can also be found at WIKIPEDIA.)

The above picture was taken while standing on the Music Hall stage during a guided tour, which I strongly recommend.

This view from the stage is breathtaking, considering how many world famous composers, musicians, dancers, singers and performers have have experienced this view of audiences for over 100 years.

To learn about Music Hall's guided tours and events visit:

  • Or call 513- 621-2787 for more information

To see our 2018 & 22 Music Hall tour photos click: MUSICHALL

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