Congressman Landsman Announces $800M Federal Investment in Ohio Broadband


WARREN COUNTY, OH -- The U.S. Department of Commerce has awarded $793.7 million in federal funding to the State of Ohio for planning, infrastructure deployment, and adoption programs to expand high-speed internet access across the state. The federal funding is being awarded through the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program, which was established by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

“High-speed broadband will be a game changer for our families,” said Congressman Landsman. “This is huge, and it will help with accessing everything from better healthcare to education and even jobs in both urban and rural communities. As I always say, the most significant progress and investments we make are usually the result of bipartisan work. This is a great example. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act included this broadband money, and now we’re bringing it home to Southwest Ohio.”

More information on the BEAD Program and federal investment in Ohio broadband can be found here.

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