Issue 1... Yes or No...You Decide


LEBANON, OHIO -- The 135th Ohio General Assembly passed a joint resolution proposing to amend three sections of Artlcile II and two sections of Article XVI in the Ohio Constitution. We Ohioians know this as Issue 1.  On August 8, voting precincts all across Ohio will opened for registered to vote Ohioians to cast their vote: YES … for the amendment changes or NO...  do not amend these changes into the Ohio Constitution. 

(To read the Senate's full proposal  click Amended Substitute Senate Joint Resolution Number 2, It consist of 5 pages. The proposed added changes are the underlined words while the part that is being eliminated due to the change, the words are have a strikethrough.)

In short Issue 1 is proposing that when adding amendments to the Ohio Constitution, it will require a vote of at least 60% of the electors to approve any constitutional amendment rather than majority (50% +1), which it calls for now.

Also, initiative petition to propose an amendment to the constitution, will require each Ohio county (currently 88 counties) petitions bearing the signatures of not less than five per cent of the electors of that county. Currently, only half the counties (44) are needed with petitions bearing the signatures of not less than one-half of the designated percentage of the electors of such county.

The has asked for a written opinion from concerned individuals from both sides to help you, the reader, make a decision. When reading the opinions, it is important to note that the is not endorsing either side and these are local citizens who have been asked to share their opinion. To read their viewpoints, please click on the links provided below.

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