Our Rights Should Not Be For Sale!


It is important to note that the WarrenCountyPost.com is not endorsing either side and these are local citizens who have been asked to share their opinion. In this piece Lori Viars, Vice-Chair of Warren County Republican Party and Vice President of Warren County Right to Life shares her concerns on way the passage of Issue 1 is important and why electors should vote YES.

LEBANON, OH -- Issue 1, which is on the August 8th ballot, is a long-standing proposal designed to protect our Ohio Constitution from radical out-of-state special interests that are pouring money into Ohio. These activists want to turn the Buckeye State into California by embedding their radical wish-list into our state Constitution, a wish-list which includes partial birth” and late-term abortion for any reason and without parental consent; “sex-change” treatments, hormones and puberty-blockers for minors without parental consent; gun control; legalized recreational marijuana; more regulations on businesses and restaurants; and removing conditional immunity from police officers—which would result in higher crime rates.

Interestingly, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, NFIB Ohio, and the Ohio Restaurant Association have joined Republicans, pro-life groups, and pro-Second Amendment groups in urging a YES vote. Why? Because they know that far-left regulations would cause many of their small businesses and restaurants to close. Or they’d have to raise their prices so high that regular citizens would no longer be able to afford their goods or services.

Right now, voter-initiated amendments to our Ohio Constitution only require a bare majority of 50%-plus-1 to pass. This might sound appealing at first, until you realize that the document you rely on to protect your fundamental rights can be easily changed, without wide public support. By focusing a lot of money on only a handful of cities, out-of-state special interests can force their far-left policies on Ohioans.

A “Yes” on Issue 1 will help protect your rights under our state Constitution by requiring the support of 60% of Ohio voters before any amendments can be made. Passing Issue 1 will not take away anyone’s vote. Each person’s vote will still count as one vote and only one vote. It simply requires a slightly higher percentage of the public vote. This is especially important in a swing state like Ohio. If our state were to be divided 50/50 on any issue, wouldn’t you want more than just 1 single person to make the difference?

It’s somewhat hypocritical that many of the liberal groups pushing a “No” vote have a 60% requirement in their own organizations to change their by-laws!  A 60% threshold is also more in line with our federal Constitution and with other states. Ohio has had a weakness in this area that should’ve been strengthened before now. It should be a little harder for either liberals or conservatives to change such an important document.

I voted early and I voted YES on Issue 1 because I want to keep Ohio safe from crazy, far-left policies that would hurt our children, our police officers, and our small businesses. Don’t let them turn Ohio into California or New York! Join me in voting YES on August 8th or vote early now.

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