The Green Dragon Is Not As Common As Its Cousins


Nature Close to Home and Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Dave Woehr shares monthly naturalist stories.

LEBANON, OH -- The Green Dragon like the Jack-in-the Pulpit is a spring wildflower in the Arum family, although the dragon is much less common than its cousin.  Notice the dragon's yellow "tongue" pointed upward. This plant has been growing in my yard for years from bulbs given to me by Barb Mills who was the administrator for Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist training in southwest Ohio fifteen years ago.

The Jack-in-the-Pulpit, the Green Dragon's cousin.

The earliest of the Arums to bloom in our area each year is the Skunk Cabbage, which often shows up in February or March while snow is still on the ground. 

The Skung Cabbage, another family member

The Arums grow naturally in the moist, rich soil of low old woodlands .

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