Prime Minister Netanyahu Address to Congress July 24, 2024


WARREN COUNTY, OH -- Congressman Greg Landsman released a statement on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address...

Israel is one of our most important strategic partners, and it’s a nation in the middle of an existential war with three Iranian-backed terror armies: Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. With the Prime Minister’s visit and speech, I encourage my colleagues to appreciate the need for bipartisanship in this moment, and to demonstrate our resolve for Middle East peace and stability.

There is no daylight between the United States and Israel when it comes to the threat of Iran and the terror groups it funds. Iran must know that. Or their unnecessary aggression and chaos will continue.

We must work together to end the Iranian aggression, end major military operations in Gaza, get the hostages home, surge humanitarian aid, and build the conditions for reconstruction in Gaza, get Hezbollah to stand down and move back away from the Israeli border, end the Houthis’ attacks on Israel and commercial shipping, and begin the process of a sustainable peace for Israelis and Palestinians.

I genuinely hope that my colleagues join me in working to make all of this happen, and to do so in the most bipartisan and serious manner possible.

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