Ban Marijuana Dispensaries...Resolution of the Warren County Republican Party to all Warren County Jurisdictions

WARREN COUNTY, OH --On March 3 the Warren County Republican Party Executive and Central Committees passed a resolution requesting all Warren County Jurisdictions to ban Marijuana Dispensaries. The resolution reads as follows...

The Warren County Republican Party applauds the jurisdictions which have banned marijuana businesses and dispensaries from their communities. Some local governing bodies in Warren County, however, have not acted in response to Issue 2 to ban recreational use dispensaries in their jurisdictions leaving their communities open for recreational dispensaries to locate there. The Warren County Republican Party urges all our jurisdictions to correct this by taking swift official action to ban all marijuana dispensaries.

Ohio’s General Assembly set zoning standards in response to 2023 State Issue 2 granting every jurisdiction in Ohio “home rule authority” to make local zoning changes limiting or banning marijuana businesses. This exercise of home rule authority requires each local governing body of trustees or council members to “take action” by holding a public hearing and a public vote (voting is the “action”). 

It is also worth noting that 2023 State Issue 2 did not mandate marijuana sales tax revenue be reserved and distributed to “host cities” of recreational dispensaries. Ohio’s Governor and General Assembly have prioritized Ohio’s General Fund and other uses for marijuana sales tax revenue as introduced in SB 56.

Warren County is home to some of Ohio’s best schools, farms, world-class tourist attractions, local businesses and global industries. We want to protect Warren County as one of Ohio’s fastest growing and best run counties to work, play and raise a family. 

Warren County is a leading economic engine in Southwest Ohio. Our local governments should not be influenced by the lure of ethereal cannabis tax revenue from the State. The family and societal costs of marijuana use far outweigh empty promises of a possible “cannabis host community fund”. Marijuana facilities drive up taxpayer-funded safety and legal expenses and put families, children and Warren County values at risk.

The Warren County Republican Party urges all our jurisdictions to take swift official action to ban marijuana dispensaries. 

For those who have done so already, we thank you and urge you to maintain those bans.

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