
COLUMBUS,OH -- Ohioans are encouraged to be a part of the process to shape the future of transportation in our state. Draft documents are available for public review and comment through April 11, 2025.
The Ohio Department of Transportation is accepting public comments on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) for 2026 through 2029. The plan identifies the multi-modal transportation improvement projects that are scheduled for some phase of implementation throughout the state over the next four years.
For additional STIP information and locations of STIP Open Houses, please visit the STIP website:
Any comments concerning the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program may be submitted by email to or postal mail to:
Mr. James Gates, Deputy Director
Division of Planning
Ohio Department of Transportation
Mail Stop # 3260
1980 West Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43223
Written comments must be received by the close of business on April 11, 2025. Individuals who may require interpretation or translation services or a reasonable accommodation to review and comment on the draft 2026-2026 STIP should contact Natasha Turner. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability.