
MASON, OH -- First a perfect Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) score, then, a perfect Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score — meet John Na, once a Mason, Ohio resident but now a Harvard Student.
During his youth Na attended school at Elder and worked as a lifeguard and the front gate at Kings Island. Today Na is currently in the Master in Public Administration program at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government.
"It's a two-year full-time, on-campus program and I'll be graduating with the MPA degree in May 2026," Na explained.
When asked if there was anything special he did in studying for these test that he could share with others who maybe looking at taking either the SAT or GRE, Na shared, "I read the 604-page Official Guide to the GRE General Test book cover-to-cover, three times over winter break. I also took five timed practice tests under realistic conditions and reviewed the solution for every question I missed until I knew how to get the right answer for each one. Then, the day before the test, I focused on self-care, including being well-fed, well-hydrated, well-rested, and free of stress. On test day, I worked to achieve a state of complete focus- casting all excuses, blame and self-doubt aside. I pictured the score report with the two 170s coming up on the screen in my mind and told myself achieving this is the only option and the time is now."
When asked what does he want to do in the future, Na answered, "I'm interested in attending a law school after graduation and currently applying to JD programs. I also previously earned an MBA from Notre Dame with a concentration in entrepreneurship in 2021. Some areas that interest me include economic inequality, employment discrimination, and Asian-American social justice topics."