Springboro United Church Of Christ to Give Update on Pole Pantry


SPRINGBORO, OH -- Springboro Council will be holding its regularly scheduled meeting this Thursday March 6 at 7PM in council chambers located at 320 W. Central Ave., where Pole Pantry Police Captain Evie Ditmer will be giving an update on the Springboro United Church of Christ Pole Pantry

Also, on the agenda for Thursday night's meeting are three legislative items:

1) EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: Third reading on an ordinance repealing Chapter 1448 Flood Damage Reduction and approving new Chapter 1448 Flood Damage Reduction and declaring it an emergency.
First reading of an ordinance extending the Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) for an additional 5-year period and establishing requirements to ensure continued public health and safety.
A resolution in support of State Issue 2 — Renewal of the State Capital Improvement Program on the May 6, 2025 Statewide Ballot. 

Ohio Issue 2, according to Ballotpedia, is the Local Public Infrastructure Bond Amendment, and is a legislatively referred constitutional amendment that will be on May 6, 2025...

  • A “yes” vote supports allowing the state to issue up to $2.5 billion in general obligation bonds, limited to $250 million per year over 10 years, to assist local governments in funding public infrastructure improvement projects.
  • A “no” vote opposes allowing the state to issue up to $2.5 billion in general obligation bonds, limited to $250 million per year over 10 years, to assist local governments in funding public infrastructure improvement projects.

The proposed Ohio Constitution Amendment was created by a Joint Resolution of The General Assembly. If passed, the State of Ohio would be authorized ... "to issue general obligation bonds to pay for or help local governments pay for public infrastructure capital improvements," reads an explanation of the amendment on www.ohioos.gov. (To learn more, click here.)  

Prior to the regular council meeting, council will be holding a work session at 6PM where a presentation is scheduled on the Miami University Community Survey Report. 

For more information on Springboro Government visit www.cityofspringboro.com

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