
WARREN COUNTY, OH --Clearcreek Township has reached successor electric aggregation agreements in both their AES and Duke territories for a 12-month term, beginning in May 2025. Once again, Dynegy Energy Services East (Dynegy) will be the township’s electric generator in the aggregation program.
With the new agreement reached between Dynegy and the Township, residential customers in the AES territory will see a new, fixed rate of $0.0944/kWh for electric generation service from May 2025 through May 2026.
Duke service territory customers of the township will see a new, fixed rate of $0.0945/kWh for electric generation service from May 2025 through May 2026.
"While our new rates are several cents higher per kilowatt hour than recent offerings, the current market is extraordinarily volatile and likely to surge well above $0.097/kWh in April and May. While we anticipate the new rates under our agreement to be significantly below retail rates for the contract period, there are no guarantees," reads a press release from the township.
The new agreements with Dynegy will last 12 months, and as has been the case with prior aggregation offerings in Clearcreek Township, is an opt-out program. Residential customers in the township will be automatically enrolled in the new rate program in May unless they take action to opt-out of the offering prior to April 14, 2025, or they are already under separate, individual contract with another electric generation service.
To read more about the offering, residents may visit Alternately, any questions about the new agreement or aggregation offering, or to opt out, you may call Dynegy Energy Services at 1-833-241-4599, or Energy Alliances at 800-735-0359.
To be included in the program, you must not already be under contract with an electric generation company. Outside of that, you’ll be automatically enrolled in the program.