Work Session, Public Hearing and Regular Meeting All Part of Springboro's Agenda on Thursday


SPRINGBORO, OH -- Prior to its regular scheduled meeting on Thursday at 7PM, Springboro City Council will be having a work session at 6 PM. During the work session,a Warren County Court Report is scheduled to be presented by Judge Gary Loxley and Judge Robert Fischer and to go over legislative items slated for September 5. 

After the work session, a public hearing to rezone 1.3 acres of land located at 500 East Street  from R-2, low density residential district, to CBD, Central Business District, will open council's regular meeting starting at 7PM. The owner Massey, LLC., has requested the rezoning and the Springboro Planning Commission is recommending that the official zoning map of the city be rezoned to be a CBD. 

The Public Hearing will be limited to 30 minutes; 15 minutes for the opponents and 15 minutes for the proponents. A copy of the application for the proposed rezoning is available for review at the Springboro Municipal Building's Reception Desk.

Legislation on the agenda to be voted on during Thursday evening's meeting:

  1. ORDINANCE: First Reading — An ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Springoboro. Rezoning approximately 1.3 acres of land located at 500 East East Street from R-2 to CBD.
  2. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: First Reading — An ordinance approving the record plan for Stonebridge Section 1-A at Settlers Walk Subdivision and declaring an emergency.
  3. RESOLUTION: A resolution extending the temporary moratorium on the acceptance, consideration and/or granting of any zoning, occupancy, or other permits or applications relating to cultivators, processors or retail dispensaries of adult use Cannabis within the City of Springboro.

Meetings are held at the City of Springboro Building located at 320 W. Central Avenue Springboro, Ohio.

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