Congressman Landsman Shares His Thoughts On Medicare Negotiating Lower Drug Prices


LEBANON, OH -- Today, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released the first 10 drugs selected for Medicare Price Negotiation – a provision included in last year’s Inflation Reduction Act that allows Medicare to negotiate lower prices on prescription drugs.

“For the first time ever, Medicare has the ability to negotiate lower prescription drug prices,” said Congressman Landsman. “Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, seniors and taxpayers will save real money on medications for diabetes, arthritis, cancer, Crohn’s disease, and more.”

The first 10 drugs whose prices are set to be negotiated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are:

  1. Eliquis – blood clots
  2. Xarelto –blood clots
  3. Jardiance – diabetes
  4. Januvia – diabetes
  5. Farxiga – diabetes
  6. Entresto – heart failure
  7. Enbrel – arthritis and psoriasis
  8. Imbruvica – blood cancer
  9. Stelara – psoriasis, Crohn's disease
  10. Fiasp – diabetes

More information on the Inflation Reduction Act and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ negotiation of lower drug prices can be found here.

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