
BLANCHESTER, OH -- Blanchester Girls Scout Troop #45988 closed their troop cookie season with 574 boxes of donated cookies to Veterans.
"This is the largest collection for the military/veterans since they began this project in 2014," noted Ida Miller
Miller added that the troop was able to do this because of the generous giving of businesses, organizations, and residents. They would like to thank the following:
Miler noted that they wanted to give a huge thanks to Pamela Pogue of Martinsville who helped secure donations with their leader.
In February, the girls delivered 360 boxes of cookies to the Chillicothe Veterans Hospital with Valentine’s cards from donated copies at Uptown Printing in Wilmington. Then on March 14, the girls delivered 201 boxes to the Georgetown Veterans Nursing Home.
"The older girls have been planning and saving three years for their Senior trip in June of 2026 to explore the Grand Canyon via Route 66," Milner explained.
Last year their leader entered a contest to try to win a trip for them and ended up placing in the top 126 out of 70,000 participants.
"The troop continues to work hard and save for this wonderful experience," she added noting that the younger girls look forward to experiencing a Cincinnati Zoo trip this summer.