Springboro's Planning Commission Meeting's Agenda


SPRINGBORO, OH -- On the Agenda for Wednesday night's 6PM April 1oth meeting is as follows: 

A. Final Approval, Site Plan Review, southwest terminus West Tech Boulevard, new building for
Caesar Creek Software
B. Final Approval, Record Plan, The Ascent, Section Four
C. Final Approval, Record Plan, Wadestone subdivision, Phase 2
D. Preliminary Review, Site Plan Review, 245 South Pioneer Drive, addition for Buckeye Fabricating
E. Preliminary Review, Final Development Plan, Northampton PUD-R, Planned Unit Development-Residential, 1525 South Main Street (SR 741), residential subdivision
F. Preliminary Review, Site Plan Review, 785 West Central Avenue (SR 73), new building for Seven Brew Coffee
G. Discussion, Planning and Zoning Law Update with City Attorney 

Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at the City Building located at 320 West Central Avenue.

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