SPRINGBORO, OH -- During its scheduled March 19th meeting, the Springboro Planning Commission has several topics on its agenda:
- Final Approval, Eastbrook Farms, Record Plan, east of Clearcreek Franklin Road and south of
Whispering Pines, Residential Subdivision, residential subdivision
- Final Approval, Planning and Zoning Code Text Amendments, exterior lighting code, sign
- Preliminary Review, Rezoning, R-1, Estate-Type Residential District, to PUD-R, Planned Unit
Development-Residential, 1405 South Main Street (SR 741), proposed single-family residential
- Preliminary Review, General Plan, R-1, Estate-Type Residential District, to PUD-R, Planned Unit
Development-Residential, 1405 South Main Street (SR 741), proposed single-family residential
- Preliminary Review, Easton Farm Partners, Final Development Plan, 605 North Main Street (SR
741), Multi-Family
The meeting starts at 6PM in Council Chambers in the City building located at 320 West Central Ave., and public is welcome. For more information visit the city of Springboro's website at www.cityofspringboro.com
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