Little Miami Student Wins Grand Prize In The Armed Services YMCA Art and Essay Contest


MORROW, OH --  Abigail Transfiguracion, 16, recently found out that she won first place in her Written Works, as well as winning the Grand Prize in the Armed Services YMCA (ASYMCA) Art and Essay Contest for 2024. 

"She wrote an incredible poem about being an active duty military child," explained her mom  Erin Transfiguracion, adding, "I think it's such an amazing accomplishment and wanted to share how she is representing Ohio with this recognition."

The poem titled From Seed to Sow is below...

In fields where winds of change do blow,
A dandelion’s tale, a seed to sow.
Yet not alone, in this dance it twirls,
A military brat, as the world unfurls.

Born into a life of constant motion,
Each new horizon, a heartfelt notion.
From base to base, across the lands,
Their roots spread wide, in shifting sands.

Like dandelions in the breeze,
They adapt, they bend, they seize
Every moment, every place,
With courage etched upon their face.

Their childhood marked by goodbyes,
Yet strength within, it never dies.
For in each farewell, a new hello,
A chance to bloom, a chance to grow.

They learn to thrive in the unknown,
In friendships forged, in seeds they’ve sown.
Their resilience, a beacon bright,
Guiding them through the darkest night.

So let us honor, with hearts aglow,
The life of a dandelion, a military soul.
For in their journey, we may find,
The beauty of resilience, one of a kind.

Abigail received an IPad for winning in her age/ category. Then as Grand Prize winner, she won the opportunity to go to see the Lt. Dan Band perform this summer-all expenses paid for the whole family. 

"She chose to see the band in the Grand Ol Opry in Nashville for their 20th anniversary ay the end of July," her mom noted. 

To see the lists of all the submissions visit where you can find Abby's poem here to at...

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